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Sandhills Classic Bucking Horse Futurity
Johnstown Fairgrounds

Johnstown, Nebraska

August 21, 2021


Dummy classes buck at 9:00a.m. with rider classes to follow at 1:00p.m.

9:00a.m. 2 year old & 3 year old dummy classes
12:00p.m. Yearling bucking horses (limited to 12)
1:00p.m. 4 & 5 year old Bareback
1:00 p.m. 4 & 5 year old Saddle bronc


The Best Remuda (Contractor with the best string of horses. Must have a combination of 3 classes. Must include 1 rider horse.)


$200 added money in 1 year old class with auction of horses at 12:00pm (Limited to 12 colts, $50 sale charge to Sandhills Classic Bucking Horse Futurity)
$500 added money in 2 and 3 year old classes

$2,000 added in Barebacks
$2,000 added Saddle broncs
Bareback Riders $2,000 added
Saddle bronc Riders $10,000 added


Riders: Entry fees are $100 per ride with 100% payback.


Contact Jill Hudson (308)325-2979 to enter.


Rider Entries close August 18, 2021


Horse Entry Fees:
1 year old Class - $100
2 year old Class - $200

Women's 2 year old Class- 
3 year old Class - $250
4 & 5 year old Bareback Class - $300

4 & 5 year old Saddle broncs entered as a team of 2 - $600

The Best Remuda - $200

Payback is 80% on all classes


Horse entries, WFA membership & fees must be done online at If you need help registering your horses, contact Toby Martin at or (580)513-0418.


Horse Entries close Friday August 20, 2021


Championship Halters awarded for 1st place horse in 2, 3, 4 & 5 year olds.

Championship Halter to The Best Remuda

Championship Buckles awarded for 1st place rider in each class.
Cowboy Introductions in each event featuring horses & riders.

5 belt buckles will be awarded


Questions & event information contact Bob Alberts (402) 760-0396 or Tim Iverson (402)376-6273. Camper Hookups available at the fairgrounds (402) 382-0005.

Hotels: Rodeway Inn Ainsworth (402)387-1050 (10 miles East of Johnstown)


Contractors, please bring water tub and feed, water will be provided.

Registration closed August 20, 2021.


Sandhills Registration
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